Greetings Mu’s⚡🎭⚡and BOSS B*tchez👑too
At a glance, Unruly Musing Productions is an affiliated business entity that licenses music and story scripts on behalf of Mission MuT1n1Z3🪶but our legacy runs a bit deeper than just that…
Within music/video production, sports, and their relative industries of business, women – both creators and innovators – are too often marginalized and/or completely denied equal opportunity to navigate and potentially thrive within those industries; Largely based on sexist stigmas and ideologies.
Also, as an extension of the Mission MuT1n1Z3 legacy, this platform contributes to providing the tools to break our masks, and, subsequently, the means to lead all of us [humans] to a collective state where we can alter our lasting impression in the history of the cosmos via. our platform of music/video entertainment and storytelling; An impression that reflects the true brilliance, beauty, and integrity of the [human] collective conscious.
It’s #DATFLOTHO🎶already know tho🚀
BOSS UP👑 #mu🪶